Customized Training

Customized Executive
Education Programs

Executive Education - Your Industry Knowledge Partner

With 11 academic departments and more than 24 research centers and initiatives,  is a powerhouse of knowledge across a wide range of global industries. Partnership in building solutions to your industry challenges gives you access to:

• The largest, most frequently cited and published business school faculty in the world.

• The latest research, white papers, and news about important conferences and events.

• Custom-designed executive education programsthat teach your team to challenge assumptions, revisit strategic initiatives in the light of cutting-edge research, and translate what they learned in the program into action when they are back on the job.

• A first-hand view of the enormous impact of our custom programs from our inventory of individual and organizational learning solutions across a wide range of industries.

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ติดต่อคุณหริณโรจน์ (ฟ้า)  091-1194507  091-1194502

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